Building a Magnetic Laptop Shelf - Simple Inexpensive DIY (V1R1)
Building a simple inexpensive portable DIY magnetic laptop computer shelf.
This prototype magnetic shelf was designed to be light and compact for easy transport for field use.
This is one of three designs I plan to build. This was the simplest, fastest and least expensive to build but my least favorite design.
Don’t hold your breath on the other two models, I started to build one of these back in June of 2000. I procrastinate!
The holes were cut only to lighten the weight.
The laptop with cables just barely fit on the shelf and 1” deeper and wider would be better.
Note holes on right side for screwdrivers etc.
DIY Laptop Shelf Materials List:
Cutting Boards,
Hard Drive Magnets,
Piano Hinge,
Silicon Glue,
*Cup magnets would be a better alternative than hard drive magnets and easier to mount but I have an excess of hard drive magnets and this is just the first prototype. The final version will have cup magnets.
Tools List:
Drill Bits,
Hole Saw,
Dremel Circular Saw with plastic cutting blade.
Only tools necessary are the drill and drill bits. The rest are optional to lighten the weight.
Simple Inexpensive DIY Prototype Portable Magnetic Laptop Computer Shelf (V1R1).
Compact Portable Laptop Shelf
Simple DIY,
Laptop Shelf,
Magnetic Laptop Shelf,
Laptop Table,
Computer Shelf,
Magnetic Computer Shelf,
Custom Laptop Shelf,
DIY Laptop Computer Shelf,
Compact Portable Laptop Shelf
DIY Prototype Portable Magnetic Laptop Computer Shelf
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